Tilt & turn windows are primarily inward open windows

Tilt Function: Sash Panel tilt inward just like bottom hung window by turning the handle upward by 180o (As shown in Image)

Turn Function: Sash panel open inward just like a normal open-able casement window by
turning the handle by 90o (as shown in image) It is possible in I-60 casement series

Parallel opening windows are primarily. outward open window. Can be open by pushing the sash outward. This create a full open perimeter around the window allowing ventilation. It is possible in I-60 casement series.

This system is combination of mesh & Grill. It has two separate frame (depth 148mm) i.e. Casement frame (depth 60mm) and Grill frame (depth 88mm), Has provision to have outward open glass shutter, inward open mesh shutter and grill in between them. Ideal for Vilas and Individual Houses. Multi point locking for Glass and mesh shutter. It is possible in I-60 casement series.

It is combination of 2 or more frame coupled in an angle between 90o to 180o. Ideally used for profile having 60mm depth. Possible with I-60 casement series only.

It is uPVC decorative element that mimics the look of traditional glass panes in the window and doors. Add visual appeal to the home. These bars are struck on both sides of glass without separating it.

It is combination of 2 or more frame coupled in an angle between 90o to 180o.
Ideally used for profile having 60mm depth. Possible with I-60 casement series only.

As name suggest the shutter is lifted up to slide with the help of handle. Smooth and effortless operation. Ideal for very large opening and min. vertical members in the middle for unobstructed view. Completely imported profile.

Tilt Function: Sash Panel tilt inward just like a bottom tilt and turn window by turning the
handle upward by 180o. (As shown in Image)

Slide Function: The door panel is mounted on a track system that allows it to slide horizontally, opening or closing the doorway by turning the handle by 90o. It is possible in I-60 casement series with super frame profile.